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- ;-------T-------T------------------------T------------------------------------------;
- xdef _LaunchTask
- xdef _DPKBase
- INCDIR "GMSDev:Includes/"
- INCLUDE "dpkernel/dpkernel.i"
- INCLUDE "files/segments.i"
- INCLUDE "system/tasks.i"
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;This part had to be written in assembler due to the InitDestruct() code, which
- ;requires a correct stack pointer.
- SECTION "LaunchTask",CODE
- _LaunchTask:
- MOVEM.L D0-D7/A0-A6,-(SP) ;SP = Save registers.
- move.l a0,a5 ;a5 = Segment.
- move.l a1,a4 ;a4 = StartUp.
- ;Initialise self-destruct sequence.
- move.l _DPKBase(pc),a6 ;a6 = DPKBase.
- lea .exit(pc),a0 ;a0 = Pointer to SelfDestruct() cleanup.
- move.l a7,a1 ;a1 = Stack pointer.
- CALL InitDestruct ;>> = Initialise the call.
- ;Setup parameters here. Search for
- ;"PRGM" header to launch program.
- move.l SEG_Address(a5),a0 ;a0 = Segment start.
- move.l a0,a1
- lea 64(a1),a1
- .loop cmp.l a1,a0
- bgt.s .exit
- cmp.w #"PR",(a0)+
- bne.s .loop
- cmp.w #"GM",(a0)+
- bne.s .loop
- subq.w #4,a0
- ;Table is now in a0.
- move.l _DPKBase(pc),a6
- CALL FindDPKTask
- tst.l d0
- beq.s .exit
- move.l d0,a1 ;a1 = DPKTask
- move.l _DPKBase(pc),GT_DPKBase(a1)
- move.l _DPKBase(pc),GT_GVBase(a1)
- move.l #$00,GT_Args(a1) ;No arg support yet.
- move.w DPK_DPKType(a0),GT_DPKTable(a1)
- move.l DPK_Start(a0),GT_Code(a1)
- move.l DPK_Name(a0),GT_Name(a1)
- move.l DPK_Author(a0),GT_Author(a1)
- move.l DPK_Date(a0),GT_Date(a1)
- move.l DPK_Copyright(a0),GT_Copyright(a1)
- move.l DPK_Short(a0),GT_Short(a1)
- move.w DPK_MinVersion(a0),GT_MinVersion(a1)
- move.w DPK_MinRevision(a0),GT_MinRevision(a1)
- move.l a1,a0 ;a0 = DPKTask
- sub.l a1,a1 ;a1 = Null
- sub.l a2,a2 ;a2 = Null
- sub.l a3,a3 ;a3 = Null
- sub.l a4,a4 ;a4 = Null
- move.l GT_Code(a0),a5 ;a5 = Code
- cmp.l #$00,a5 ;a5 = Check for NULL.
- beq.s .exit ;>> = Error in structure, exit.
- move.l _DPKBase(pc),a6 ;a6 = DPKBase
- move.l #$00,d0 ;d0 = ID
- moveq #$00,d1 ;d1 = Null
- moveq #$00,d2 ;d2 = Null
- moveq #$00,d3 ;d3 = Null
- moveq #$00,d4 ;d4 = Null
- moveq #$00,d5 ;d5 = Null
- moveq #$00,d6 ;d6 = Null
- moveq #$00,d7 ;d7 = Null
- jsr (a5) ;>> = Start the DPK program.
- .exit MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0-D7/A0-A6
- rts
- _DPKBase: dc.l 0